Kyle Willits
Hi friends! I’m Kyle from the tiny, tiny, tiny town of Utashinai. We likely have more deer than people in my neighborhood. Before coming on the great JET adventure I was a web developer at a few different businesses, so this isn’t my first rodeo! I figured I’d put my skills to good use and help all of you. The past year has been a blur of finishing my Master’s, learning Japanese, working full time, and teaching; it still feels like I’m unable to slow down. I’m a big believer in black coffee and green tea.
Besides studying Japanese, this year I’ve started learning Kyuudo and have been teaching myself how to roast and brew coffee. I also enjoy photography and I try to explore Japan as much as possible in order to document how beautiful it is.
If you want to learn about web development for some post-JET career assistance, or just need a friend to talk to, don’t hesitate to let me know!